It's based on a true story.
Hope you like it.
Here you go...
Laboring Over Vacillating Enigmas
For weeks I tried my best
To write down the way I feel about you.
I thought that this would be an easy endeavor
But at the conclusion of a series of embattlements
Of my pen with the paper
Every line
Was love.
Love offers various experiences,
Leaving our voices exposed,
Looming over virtually everything.
Lasting. Omnipotent. Venerable. Essential.
Letting one visit earth,
Live on vulnerability’s edge,
Lean on virtues. Especially
Loyalty. Optimum velocity ensues.
Logic often vanishes eventually.
Limitations? Obliterated, violently. Emancipating
Lunacy. Obscuring vision. Enslaving
Lost onlookers. Victimizing everyone.
Lascivious. Ostentatious. Vivid. Eclectic.
Life ornamented via ecstasy.
Linked oppression. Voodoo entrapment.
Lush oasis. Visually enticing
Labyrinth. Overwhelmingly vast. Eclipsing
Leviathans. Organized vigor embodied.
Lava overflow. Vaporized expectations.
Loud, orchestral violin ensembles
Lead operatic voices. Effortlessly
Lacerating obstacles, viciously. Embers
Linger on visceral emotions.
Lift off. Voyage eagerly.
Levitate. Overcome. Vibrate. Explode…
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